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Jaarrapport DBIR 2015-2017

Met trots presenteert de Wetenschappelijke Commissie van de DBIR het eerste DBIR jaarrapport. In dit rapport kunt u alles lezen over de eerste 3 jaren van deze registratie: het ontstaan en bestuur van de DBIR, de eerste resultaten, wetenschappelijk onderzoek, lopende projecten en onze toekomstvisie.

Enkele highlights uit het rapport:

  • In 2016 deed 95% van de ziekenhuizen en 78% van de zelfstandige klinieken mee aan de DBIR.
  • In 2017 hebben ongeveer 7.500 patiënten een of meerdere borstimplantaten gekregen voor een reconstructieve of cosmetische indicatie. Dit staat gelijk aan ongeveer 8.500 operaties en 15.000 implantaten.
  • Plastisch chirurgen hebben toegang tot een wekelijks vernieuwd rapport waarin hun operaties getoond worden en wat anoniem vergeleken kan worden met het gemiddelde van andere Nederlandse plastisch chirurgen. 


Het rapport is in digitale versie te verkrijgen via:


English version:

The DBIR Committee are proud to present the first annual report of the DBIR (2015-2017).


This report includes information on the first 3 registration years discussing the development and governance of the registry, the first results, current research projects, points of improvement, and our future perspectives.

DBIR is a young but growing registry. Therefore, only figures and tables are presented using reliable data points. All the materials used for these figures are anonymous, making sure privacy laws are respected.

Some highlights are:

  • In 2016, 95% of the hospitals and 78% of the private clinics eligible for breast implant surgery participated in DBIR.
  • In 2017, approximately 7,500 patients received one or two breast device(s) for either a reconstructive or aesthetic indication in the Netherlands, as registered in DBIR. This accounts for approximately 8,500 procedures and 15,000 devices.
  • Clinicians are provided with a simple but extensive overview of the implant surgery one has done, including a benchmark for his or her performance versus the average plastic surgeon in the Netherlands.


We feel registries and reports such as ours are essential in improving the quality of care and supporting innovation. DBIR aims to provide insight into clinical variation, the use of new techniques and implants, or identify problems as early as possible.

This registry and report were only made possible through the hard work of mainly our Dutch plastic surgeons, but also through hard work by DICA, MRDM, our scientific committee and the coordinators Pauline Spronk and Babette Becherer. We are also quite happy with the non-financial support of our industrial partners that agreed on using GS-1 barcodes and actively support our registry by uploading their data into the industrial database we will use to validate our patient registry.

Towards the future, there will be more and more specific outcome of our registry to share with women, professionals, vendors, and governments to use for their benefit. Our aims are also at global alignment and standardizing datasets, databases and data output to compare and pool results with our closest collaborators Australia and Sweden and the other partners within ICOPLAST. Furthermore, it is of vital importance that privacy legislation will mature into an internationally uniform system that will optimize de-identified data exchange to make results on implant safety even quicker access to professionals and other stakeholders.

Of note is the fact that women can check the status of their implant using Using their implant records the database can be surged anonymously to see if their implant is registered and if their implant has any problem. If it does not show in the registry, please contact the doctor that implanted it and ask for registration of the device.


The report can be downloaded from: